Robert Evans


A graduate of Bowdoin College (A.B.-1976), Princeton Theological Seminary (M.Div.-1979), Candler School of Theology (Th.M.-1992), and the Naval War College (M.A.-2003) Bob Evans is a Veteran with more than 25 years of service in the United States Navy where he served until his retirement in 2008 as a Chaplain and rose to the rank of CAPTAIN.  He entered the United States Navy by direct commission in December 1982. 

During his tenure he served as a trusted  Senior Leader for the Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Commander and Commander, U.S. Atlantic Fleet;  Commander, Joint Forces Command; Commander, Combined Forces Command-Afghanistan; and Commander Naval Forces Europe, Africa, and Southwest Asia.  He was awarded the Bronze Star for his service in Afghanistan.  

Bob commenced his career with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) in May of 2011 as Chief, Chaplain Service at Aleda E. Lutz VA Medical Center in Saginaw, MI.  He came to the Atlanta VA in January 2013 as the Chief, Chaplain Service, but then was tapped to serve as Acting Assistant Director while maintaining his Chief duties.  In February 2014, he was appointed Assistant Director of the Atlanta VA Health Care System.  Subsequently, he was called to serve as Interim Associate Director/Chief Operating Officer of the Dorn VA Health Care System, Columbia, SC for six months during which time he selected as the Associate Director/Chief Operating Officer for the Western North Carolina VA Health Care System, Asheville, NC.  He served in this position from January 2017 until his retirement from Federal Service in December 2019.

Now retired, he is a devoted advocate for Veterans, their loved ones, and all those who serve the common good.  He regularly seeks opportunities to listen to others, help them discover their deepest passions, and assist them in shaping their dreams into a life of purpose.   

Bob now resides in Dallas, TX with his beloved wife, Gretchen, and their two service dogs, Rusty and Aura.  

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